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International Airport \Uzhhorod\ is rated 3.6 out of 5 in the category [CATEGORY]. Read and write reviews about International Airport \Uzhhorod\.
give it back to Slovakia and will see fast change and recovery...
This could be a nice small airport if it had flights...
(Translated by Google) Dirty, broken roads, destroyed the historical center of the city. (Original) Грязно, разбитые дороги, разрушен исторический центр города.
(Translated by Google) In the summer of 2020, Ukraine and Slovakia signed an agreement on the possibility of using Slovakian airspace for landing aircraft. In 2018, the runway was expanded to 40 meters to accept Boeing 737 and Airbus A320 class aircraft. In 2021, it is planned to launch regular flights between Uzhgorod and Kiev, and in the future, the construction of a modern passenger terminal and the launch of international flights. In the meantime - the Soviet airport of the 80s and the pedestrian exit to the planes ...... (Original) Летом 2020-го Украина и Словакия подписали договор о возможности использования воздушного пространства Словакии для захода самолетов на посадку. В 2018-ом провели расширение ВПП до 40 метров для принятия самолетов класса Boeing 737 и Airbus A320. В 2021-ом планируется запустить регулярное авиасообщение Ужгорода с Киевом, а в преспективе - постройка современного пассажирского терминала и запуск международных рейсов. А пока - советский аэровокзал 80-ых годов и пеший выход к самолетам......
(Translated by Google) Great potential, but not much realization. So far, it only serves the President and government boards, humanitarian programs, and oligarchs' charters. (Original) Чудовий потенціал, але реалізація не дуже. Поки лише обслуговує Президента та урядові борти, гуманітарні програми, чартери олігархів.
(Translated by Google) Does not work. Long. (Original) Не працює. Давно.
(Translated by Google) Stubborn airport and planes terrible for the children of the Mayor and the Derector, so the air was flying on such in the doorway (Original) отстойний аеропорт і літаки ужас шоб діти мера і деректора уж аеро літали на таких в дурдом
(Translated by Google) Uzhgorod airport has an interesting history, is essentially international, although flights are currently being conducted only within Ukraine. There is a restaurant \Edelweiss\ (Original) Ужгородський аеропорт має цікаву історію, є по суті міжнародним, хоча в цей час здійснюються перельоти лише в межах України. Тут є ресторан \Едельвейс
International Airport \Uzhhorod\
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